Cataracts is a common eye disorder that occurs when a cloudy patch develops in the lens of the eye. According to the National Eye Institute, more than 50% of the US population develops cataracts, or undergoes
cataract surgery by 80 years of age. Here are five factors that could lead to cataract surgery:
1. Diabetes
People with diabetes are more likely to develop cataracts over time compared to non-diabetics, according to the American Optometric Association (AOA). Medical experts refer to cataracts caused by another medical condition as secondary cataracts.
2. Prescription Drugs
Continuous use of certain medications can lead to the development of cataracts. Some of the medications associated with this disease include corticosteroids such as prednisone and phenothiazine-based drugs such as chlorpromazine. In the medical field, this type of cataracts is referred to as toxic, and usually requires cataract surgery to remove them.
3. Age…
Age is by far the leading global cause of needing cataract surgery. In fact, the risk of developing age-related cataracts increases substantially after the age of 60.
4. Nutritional deficiency…
Poor nutrition could lead to the development of cataracts at an early age. In fact, a scientific article published by AOA states that clinical studies have shown a correlation between low levels of antioxidants and cataracts. In addition, other studies found that antioxidants reduce the risk of development leading to a need for cataract surgery.
5. Alcohol consumption and smoking…
People who consume high amounts of alcohol have a higher risk of developing cataracts compared to people who consume alcohol moderately or sparsely. Furthermore, smoking is associated with an increased risk of eye lens cloudiness.
Some of the reasons leading to a need for cataract surgery include age, poor nutrition, excess consumption of alcohol, smoking, diabetes mellitus, and certain prescribed medications. Luckily, small-incision or extracapsular surgery can correct this eye problem provided one seeks medical attention early.
Learn More about cataract surgery.
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