Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Three Ways LASIK Can Improve Your Vision And Your Life


Patients considering LASIK surgery already know that the procedure will give them better eyesight; sometimes even better than 20/20 vision. What many people don't realize is that this procedure has unexpected and lasting benefits that go beyond seeing more clearly.
Here are three of the most significant ways that LASIK vision surgery can improve your life.

A Lifetime of Savings

Let's face it, glasses and contact lenses cost money. Multiply those purchases over years, or even decades, and LASIK vision surgery actually pays for itself much faster over time. Even if your prescription remains relatively stable, frames go out of style, requiring you to buy new ones. Contact lenses wear out and must be replaced frequently; otherwise you run the risk of eye infection. Plus, if you wear contact lenses, you have to spend money on solutions for cleaning, storage, and lubrication.

More Freedom

From rising up in the morning to playing sports, LASIK will make your life easier simply by removing the inconvenience of having to bother with corrective eyewear. You'll save time in the morning by not stumbling around searching for glasses, or fiddling with trying to get those contacts in. Similarly, you don't have to worry about packing lubricating eye-drops or saline solution every time you go out of town for vacation, or for work.

Perhaps the greatest advantage is for athletes and physically active people. Imagine being able to jump into a swimming pool and actually being able to see; moreover, being able to participate in a baseball or basketball game without glasses or worrying about whether a contact lens will fall out.

Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem

Many individuals feel uncomfortable in glasses, with taunts like "four eyes" coming to mind. Prescription glasses can make some people look old. On the other hand, LASIK vision surgery can help you relinquish the glasses and allow people to see the real and beautiful you. Looking better increases confidence; and that, in turn, helps individuals become more productive- both in their personal and professional lives. It can't get any better than that!

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